Mr. Carver is focused on helping people explore their personal journey through life’s challenging transitions. He assists individuals and couples in uncovering unconscious patterns, which keep them from realizing their full potential. His practice includes work that fosters discovery of innate strengths in relationships and new communication skills so that they can express their deepest needs to loved ones.

Thomas has been on a journey to stay abreast of the most modern treatment modalities in psychotherapy today including the melding of neurobiology and psychotherapy. Much of the training that he has received is advanced, however, it turns out that the most effective healing methodologies actually have been around for thousands of years. As human beings we have trained our minds to avoid uncomfortable feelings and to use problem solving skills that are best suited for the external world rather than our complicated, emotional inner experiences. The cutting edge of therapy today is mindful-awareness, or meditation, which is widely misunderstood in the west. It very simply means that we need to find balance in our lives. This is done through observing the mind, negotiating with our thoughts and learning to react to real threats rather than ones that our fears magnify, thus causing anxiety and depression.  To heal is to feel our emotions in our body.  In our busy, stress filled, work oriented, family chaotic existences we forget the basic building blocks of life wellness. The essential areas of nutrition, exercise, humor, spirit & meditation can be approached incrementally so that we feel closer to our strengths.

Thomas is certified in the marital modalities of John Gottman Therapy (Level III+) and uses Emotionally Focussed Therapy (EFT). He is certified in trauma protocols including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) (Levels I & II+) and Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy (DNMS) used in the treatment of trauma including family of origin trauma/dysfunction and survivor of physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse, etc. He also has extensive experience in Parenting/Adolescent Therapy.

Additionally, he specializes in Co-Parenting/Divorce Dynamics and Parent Alienation and is a Divorce Assisted Mediator. He uses a solution-focused, Child Centered/Two-Home Family Model (specializing in Parallel Parenting transitioning into Co-Parenting) for mediating divorcing high conflict couples’ divorce/parenting issues. He can be appointed by the Family Courts as a Special Master/Parenting Plan Coordinator, Reunification Therapist and for Supervised Therapeutic Visitation if mediation was not indicated and the Family Courts are involved.

Additionally Mr. Carver uses a multi-modal approach including (primarily) the theories of Family Systems, Psychodynamics, Solution Focused, Ego State, and Cognitive/Dialectic Behavioral Therapies (CBT/DBT). His practice is rooted in promoting nondenominational spiritual perspectives.

Thomas works with couples in a way that is proactive and structured, including dealing with infidelity, so that they can learn to listen to each other without having defenses destroy their relationships. He also specialized in Child and Adolescent Therapy (parent coaching), Family Systems Therapy, as well as general psychotherapy treating anxiety and depression, etc. With the greatest of sensitivity, Thomas helps people to deal with heartbreaking loss/grieving. His work with the Family Courts and high conflict Divorce Dynamics included designing/implementing child centered Co-Parenting Plan, Reunification Therapy, and Supervised Therapeutic Visitation. Mr. Carver is a Divorce Mediator specializing in children’s issues working with a team including a (consulting) Attorney – Mediator and CPA (etc.) to dissolve marriages as equitably and quickly as possible with the least impact on children. He uses a Child Centered/Two-Home Family model for mediating divorcing couples’ parenting issues. Additionally, Mr. Carver’s has extensive experience working with the parents of adolescents that are abusing substances and has a proven strategy to treat the earlier stages of addictive behavior in family therapy.

Thank you for taking the time to review the many resources on this site including an area that thoroughly explores his link ‘Specialties.’ The Sespe Center is a meeting place for learning and doubles as an art gallery.